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I disagree tough. That was your decision. If you see yourself as nothing more than a baby machine thats up to you but you wont be affecting my healthcare.

I understand my own body perfectly well ta. You can say whatever you like over and over again. Its still not up to you.

As I previously said Id do it for no money. I actually care about other women because I havent internalised the misogny of the church. they control you and youre too stupid to see it.

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This has nothing to do with God Allah or any religions. Its an ancient method of treatment used by people all over the world even in American and Europe. Scientifically if you look at it blood clots in small veins in the extremities which is feet and hands.once these clots loosens and travels along the veins in to your heart and your brain it causes obstructions therefore causing pain. When they let the blood out the pressure in the vein causes clotted blood from the veins to escape.

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